Shilajit has passed through generations and is a perfect gift of nature packed with 70+ Minerals naturally.
“Introduce Shilajit into your life & experience a super charged version of you!”

Miraculously wounds heal super fast, this was discovered when a gazelle healed it’s wound with Shilajit.
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Shilajit was officially used by the USSR Military, Olympic athletes and space teams for a very important reason.
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body fat is stubborn and doesn’t want to apart from you. This is because during our younger days our metabolism system is in check and working perfectly. Read More

Shilajit can regulate the heart rates or Shilajit to reverse heart failure process brings back heart rate to normal value. Read More

Major role of magnesium is to control blood glucose levels; a recent study found that 25% or more Read More

In a recent research, there has been a link between nutritional deficiencies and depression.Read More

Shilajit is rich in anti-oxidant properties which slows down the oxidation of the cells and tissues, thus it controls the aging process. Read More

Potassium is found in Shilajit, it helps maintaining a healthy bone mineral density by assisting calcium to pass. Read More

Due its outstanding medicinal properties Shilajit have become vital for High intensity sports. Read More

There are two different studies showing shilajit has a powerful and direct increase on testosterone in humans. Read More

Shilajit is rich in Iron, which in combination with copper plays a major role in transporting oxygen in our body.Read More

Ever wondered why the royal families in the past would only eat off silver plates and use silver cutlery?Read More

An individual can easily check the rejuvenating properties of Shilajit by applying with mixing in water directly on plants Read More

Links to research articles which back the claims.Read More
Traditionally, Shilajit gained popularity in wound healing when a gazelle which was being hunted ran towards a cave with a deadly open wound. The hunters later discovered the Gazelle with a thick black raisin layer covering the wound, surprised the hunters further observed and noticed after a few days the magical Shilajit had sealed the animals wound and hastened the healing process.
Another powerful wound healing effect is shilajit’s pronounced antimicrobial properties. A Jinnah University study in Karachi tested shilajit from Pakistan and found that it inhibited various pathologic microbe strains such as staphylococcus, streptococcus, salmonella, e.coli, and candida albicans.
Vitamin B, Retinol & copper are of paramount importance when it comes to any step of natural wound healing process, these combined with Fulvic Acid, acts quick to reduce the inflammation and new tissues are formed fairly quick. Applied directly to wounds, it was thought to speed healing, prevent infection, and help tissues repair much faster.
Vitamin E & C both work together to repair skin tissues which have been damaged, furthermore, it retains the moisture, our body does not produce Vitamin C on its own, therefore, it has to be taken from external dietary sources which are rich in these such as the Shilajit.
Humins and Humic Acids have antibacterial and antiviral properties. With respect to damaged skin, you may apply Shilajit resin directly to the problem to speed up tissue regeneration.
Caprum, Nickel, Calcium, Manganese, Silicon, and strontium all work together in improving bone health. Due to the deficiency of certain elements such as Magnesium deficiency may result in chronic inflammation. Potassium is found in Shilajit, it helps maintaining a healthy bone mineral density by assisting calcium to pass & remain in appropriate proportions in your body.
Arthritis is fought naturally with Shilajit by mixing it in turmeric and ginger, Simply Pure Shilajit could also be applied directly to a joint pain area by stirring it in a cream and applying it.
Shilajit could also mixed in a warm oil and massaged on an area which is in healing stage, people from the Gilgit Baltistan (Karakorum) & Himalayan range are reported to be using Shilajit effectively in the recovery of bones and joints successfully, you can also use Shilajit as a pain reliever after an injury. Shilajit is known to be used against muscle weakness, torn-hip, broken bones and healing from injuries
You can simply use the recommended dosage mixed in turmeric milk whilst also applying Shilajit directly mixed in Oil or cream on problem areas, this should work wonders.
Shilajit was officially used by the USSR Military, Olympic athletes and space teams for a very important reason. Iron, copper and nickel are vital to carry more oxygen in the blood which enhances energy production in body. Vitamin B12 is another renowned energy booster in Shilajit, once combined with Fulvic Acid it has the ability to deliver oxygen directly into muscle cells this helps to reduce the detrimental effects of lactic acid and CO2 build-up.
Deficiency of magnesium and other trace minerals are linked to weakness and fatigue, which in turn means you feel drained and are unable to work-out to your maximum capacity or abilities. This might also mean, you are not improving your workout cycles, means there would not be any significant change recorded apart from being in optimal shape & size. Therefore, it’s important to add Shilajit into your daily intake, so you are full of energy and hit the gym with full force!
Many of these minerals are required by our mitochondria, this is the “powerhouse” of all cells to make energy. Phosphorus is the key ingredient in Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP), the energy molecule. When ATP is brown down in body, it is our observed to release energy in our body and fill us up with immense enthusiasm, energy & spirit.
In a short summary, to experience any kind of noticeable improvement as a result of your workout regimen, you would need to be fully-charged one-hundred percent (100%), important minerals will boost up the energy levels, fatigue and sluggishness will be tackled, so you are likely to be at your best when you enter the gym with the use of Simply Pure Shilajit.
Due its outstanding medicinal properties Shilajit have become vital for bodybuilding, it is comprised of many different minerals, vitamins, and Fulvic& humic acids, there are over 70+ minerals in total. The demand for Shilajit is high particularly in United States, Europe and the Middle East as they have used Shilajit effectively in Muscle Building & weight loss.
Genuine & Pure Shilajit such as Simply Pure Shilajit which has been PCSIR tested, whereas it is also tested with the conventional methods produces sustained and immense energy, this fact has been proven in major studies in Russia particularly, as it was first reported to be used in Russia for muscle gain & to improve athletic performance.
Shilajit reduces the muscle recovery time by 50%, which means you are loaded with energy when you step-in your workout, give the best at it. Once you rest, your muscles are recovering faster and growing. Overall, your stamina levels are increasing and with the passage of time, you will start seeing the results you once only wished for.
Most of us wonder why, during our younger years despite of eating a lot and with very little physical activity, you were not putting on body fat or weight. But as we tend to age, our bodies slow down, we feel lethargic and our body is stacking on extra layers of fat. We then try to go on a strict diet regime and undertake physical exercise, but to no resort. It is not effective; body fat is stubborn and doesn’t want to apart from you. This is because during our younger days our metabolism system is in check and working perfectly.
A healthy metabolism system means you are breaking down food and it is being converted to energy. Whereas, once our metabolism slows down, fat is stored in your body instead of being converted to energy. Simply Pure Shilajit will repair your metabolism system and help convert food into energy, instead of fat. Shilajit also possess fat scraping qualities that remove excess fat and its deposits in the body. It helps cleanse your body while boosting thyroid function for a healthy metabolism and a tone physique
For men, it will keep your vigor, vitality and energy at optimum levels. Shilajit restores youthful vigor to the entire body.
For Fat-loss, you can make a tonic with Shilajit, In a glass of water, squeeze 1/2 of a full-sized lemon, ½ inch knob of ginger root, and most important 0.5g (500mg) Simply Pure Shilajit, you should stir it until it’s completely mixed.
This simply habit of a Shilajit tonic a day, will not only make you energetic, but it will fire-up your metabolism system to its max, hydrate you, help to flush out toxins and you eat-less as it will make you feel full.
There are two different studies showing shilajit has a powerful and direct increase on testosterone in humans. Click here to see the results of the research, In Summary in Study #1, they found an increase of 19% in Free testosterone levels in 90-days of consumption of Shilajit.
In another study, testosterone levels were boosted by 23.5% with the consumption of 0.2g (200mg) Shilajit for 90-days.
Anyone who Is regular at the gym and has a fairly decent of muscle growth knowledge will know the important of Testosterone levels for MEN and its value in
Heart is one of the most essential and important organs, it pumps blood throughout the body via the circulatory system, supplying oxygen and nutrients to the tissues and removing carbon dioxide and other wastes. Therefore, it’s important to keep your heart health up. If there is a problem with your heart, it will eventually adversely affect the whole body. Blood supply will slow down, and oxygen and nutrients will not be passed to the tissues, furthermore, carbon dioxide and waste removal process will be halted.
In short, the whole body will slow down and you will start to feel fatigued and weak and this could continue to some serious problems. There are around 70+ Minerals in Shilajit, fulvic acid & humic acids are also antioxidants, these perfectly support the human body and have an incredible effect on overall human health and this includes ‘the Heart’.
In preliminary researches it is found that, in certain doses, Shilajit can regulate the heart rates or Shilajit to reverse heart failure process brings back heart rate to normal value from irregular heart rate value.
If you have any problem related to heart or irregular heartbeats then you can take the dose of the Shilajit so as to cure the problem soon. It is often considered a best and side-effect free idea by many of the renowned and professional doctors when they prescribe any supplement to the patient. This should always be done with the advice of your physician or a medical professional
Studies have shown and proved precisely that Shilajit protects and prevent individual heart by exercising muscles against damages from drug-induced injuries. A more recent research which gets performed on rats, in cardiovascular Toxicology found that Shilajit heart medicines lessen the damages on human heart.
Each individual’s current medical condition may vary from person to person, our bodies are very complex and they all react differently, for one person he/she might experience the benefits very quick, for others that might not be the case. Therefore, it’s always important to consult with a medical professional before consuming specifically to treat a condition, especially if it’s on a serious stage. We do not offer health advice for the more severe cases as they are best left to the doctors to handle, what Simply Pure Shilajit promises is a 100% Shilajit which is free from all additives
Shilajit is rich in Iron, which in combination with copper plays a major role in transporting oxygen in our body. Potassium balances the negatives of excessive salt intake, Cobalt is an essential element once converted into Vitamin B12 in producing red blood cells. Many of your everyday diets which contain potassium usually have the effect of lowering the cholesterol levels.
Combined with other trace minerals in Shilajit, they regulate the heartbeat; this is the key factor in maintaining a healthy blood pressure level. Vitamin-E which is also linked to reducing heart diseases, it also protects the heart. Simply Pure Shilajit will regulate a healthy blood-supply throughout the body, irregular heartbeats will normalize and once you have a healthy heart, all your other organs will start to function properly, end result being a HEALTHY YOU!
WARNING: Simply Pure PvtLtd recommends consulting with a medical professional or physician before starting the intake of Shilajit if you are suffering from any serious medical issues, pregnant or lactating
Major role of magnesium is to control blood glucose levels; a recent study found that 25% or more of diabetic patients were deficient in magnesium. Zinc is associated with a slightly reduced risk of type 2 diabetes.
Calcium also reduces the risk of diabetes by around 30%. Shilajit contains all of the 3 mentioned above (Magnesium, Calcium and Zinc). Chromium is a trace element which is also found in Shilajit which has a potent effect on controlling diabetes, when you have enough chromium in your body;
it was observed in a research that less insulin is required for glucose metabolism.
Research suggests that Vanadium may play a role in regulating sugar metabolism and cholesterol – Another reason to want Simply Pure Shilajit every single day!
Ever wondered why the royal families in the past would only eat off silver plates and use silver cutlery?
Silver is a potent antimicrobial metal which quickly acts to destroy many pathogens – a bacterium, virus, or other microorganism that can cause disease.
The minerals housed in Shilajit will aid in removing heavy metals and other toxins from your body, which in result will bolster your immune system and your body’s reaction to any disease would be to subdue it quickly. Manganese, Molybdenum, Iron, Zinc and Copper are vital for the creation of enzymes such as Superoxide, Dismutase (SOD), Glutathione and Catalase.
All three of these enzymes function as the body’s primary antioxidant defenses against oxidative stress and constitute a huge part of our immune system.
A deficiency in any of the above will lead to aging, these enzymes are necessary to kick-out toxins swiftly from your body
In a recent research, there has been a link between nutritional deficiencies and depression. Zinc is required by more than 300 enzymes in our body and plays an active role in reducing oxidative stress.
This important metal is required constantly in smaller dosages to keep one healthy and happy. However, as modern diet is lacking in nutrition, it is important to consume pure Shilajit in small dosages regularly.
According to studies, Shilajit may also increase dopamine levels in limbic, emotional regions of our brains; as a result it reduces anxiety and the detrimental effects of stress, supported by antioxidant and nutrient content. Also, it is found that Shilajit increases the levels of GABA, the main “calming” neurotransmitter in the brain. Increasing this reduces over-activity in the brain, thus, anxiety, panic and stress can be tackled. As a result, you will also experience being a much calmer individual.
An individual can easily check the life-giving and rejuvenating properties of Shilajit by applying with mixing in water directly on plants; these could be weak or healthy plants. You’ll notice an enhanced root and shoot growth every time. Shilajit works on all life-forms, as we age we accumulate damaged cells and deplete our overall bodily trace minerals. As a result, our organs and tissues start to weaken.
Shilajit helps our helps to be more stable and healthy. It also replaces the damaged tissues with newer tissues indirectly replenishing our trace mineral balance, which is essential for optimum health. It won’t have that magical properties of restoring you to a completely youthful age, but it sure will undo some of the damage.
Shilajit may also boost the production of the hormones that typically decline with age. The body may begin to respond as it once did when it was younger, and some bodily functions may be restored or repaired. Bodily functions may be restored especially if it’s due to deficiency of important trace minerals, the success of Shilajit is mainly determined by trace mineral absorption, your immune system’s present health, digestion health, genetic complications as well as numerous environmental factors, furthermore, also your current activity level will also determine how Shilajit works in your body to repair the damaged tissues.
Shilajit is rich in anti-oxidant properties which slows down the oxidation of the cells and tissues, thus it controls the aging process. Aging is a natural, usually starts with wrinkles, fine lines, blemishes, dark circles around eyes, scars and so on. In advanced stages, the outer layer of the skin i.e. epidermis layer loses collagen which provides the main structural support to the skin. This means saggy skin, wrinkles and fine lines. Skin loses its elasticity which results in acne, scars, dark skins, marks and uneven skin tone
Shilajit is known as having the best rejuvenating properties, restorative and adaptogen. This unique herb mineral substance has natural anti-aging medicinal properties. Fulvic acid fights against aging, effective in maintaining healthy skin and protect the cells and tissues from further damage and skin decay. Humic compounds present in Shilajit exculpate harmful free radical. This promotes healthy bloody circulation and provides a youthful glow to the skin.
Fecal matter is basically a waste material that assembles inside cell and decreases the pressure on the cell membrane; this fecal matter deprives the cell body of the nutrients and nourishment. These free radicals are eliminated by Shilajit and they are not allowed to accumulate in our body.
It also facilitates maintenance of the cholesterol level, hence, each cell can get equal nourishment, and thus, this will attribute to younger and healthier skin